ODESOFTAMI: gps трекер mini a8

Compact GSM alarm system with wide application. Does not have a GPS module The body is made of high-quality plastic pleasant to the touch. Built-in 2 microphones can hear well in a room of 30 square meters. On the side of the device is the entrance to the charger. Alarm works offline for up to 7 days. It is possible to work from the power supply or from the built-in battery. The detection (noise) radius is up to 10 m. If the sound level exceeds a certain value and lasts 3 seconds, the device calls the last number from which it was called and turns on the sound. It is also enough to call the device, while activating the microphone on the device, the sound of the situation (room, car, etc.). Standby time up to 7 days. In permanent work up to 5 hours. Charging time 1-2 hours.

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